Parachute and basketball are very popular sports. Everyone likes them. Parachute is very thrilling sports because you can spend time in surroundings but it’s also one that risky. Learning how to train long times. So you need to patient. It’s also more expensive than basketball because you must courageous , good training and have to buy parachute. Maybe you are fall and injure yourself seriously. So it’s such a dangerous sport.
On the other hand , basketball is interesting sport and costs of few money. So it’s more cheap than parachute and most safe other risky sports. Basketball is also fast, fun and keeps your fit as you have to good training. It’s also you only need ball, T- shirt and short. However basketball can be tiring sport as you might hurt yourself.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
About me
Dear teacher Bayarmaa,
My name is Amarsaikhan. I’m student school of Information Communication Technology and 2th course. I’m 19 and was born kharkhorin of Uwurkhangai aimag. There are 4 people in my family. My dad and mum are 45 years old. My father is electric enjineer so maybe I decided this job. I have a sister. She’s 24 and she is teacher. I love my family. They always approbates to me.
I will be telecommunication enjineer. But in early age I think I will be herdswoman. When I pupil in public school, my physics teacher advise me. He said that Telecommunication enjineer was good job. You could do that. So I choosed this profession. I regards him. He is my one of the best theachers.
In my opnion I’m friendly and sociable.I always wants to learn many things. On the other hand I tends to be lazy at times. Also I’m diligence. I try to do things finished that.However I often inactive. It’s my biggest defect.
My hobby is listen to music. I like pop music. Sometimes I cooks very tasty food in weekend and treats my family. It’s my favourite one of them things. I prefer “My way”. It was written by K.N. Ilyumjinow. Now he is president of Halimag.He is very intelligent person.I think that. If you read this book, you egreed with me.
Write back to me soon teacher
Best wishes
My name is Amarsaikhan. I’m student school of Information Communication Technology and 2th course. I’m 19 and was born kharkhorin of Uwurkhangai aimag. There are 4 people in my family. My dad and mum are 45 years old. My father is electric enjineer so maybe I decided this job. I have a sister. She’s 24 and she is teacher. I love my family. They always approbates to me.
I will be telecommunication enjineer. But in early age I think I will be herdswoman. When I pupil in public school, my physics teacher advise me. He said that Telecommunication enjineer was good job. You could do that. So I choosed this profession. I regards him. He is my one of the best theachers.
In my opnion I’m friendly and sociable.I always wants to learn many things. On the other hand I tends to be lazy at times. Also I’m diligence. I try to do things finished that.However I often inactive. It’s my biggest defect.
My hobby is listen to music. I like pop music. Sometimes I cooks very tasty food in weekend and treats my family. It’s my favourite one of them things. I prefer “My way”. It was written by K.N. Ilyumjinow. Now he is president of Halimag.He is very intelligent person.I think that. If you read this book, you egreed with me.
Write back to me soon teacher
Best wishes
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bie daalt-3
I 1c 2b 3f 4h 5a 6g 7e 8d
II 1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 8b
III 1b 2b 3a 4c 5a 6b 7c 8b 9a 10b
11a 12a 13b 14c 15b 16c 17b 18b 19b 20a
21c 22a 23b 24a 25b 26a 27c 28c 29c 30b
31b 32b 33c 34a 35b 36b 37b 38c 39b 40a
41b 42a 43c 44c 45a 46a 47c 48a 49b 50a
51a 52b 53c 54a 55b 56a 57b 58b 59c 60b
61c 62b 63b 64c
II 1a 2a 3b 4a 5b 6a 7b 8b
III 1b 2b 3a 4c 5a 6b 7c 8b 9a 10b
11a 12a 13b 14c 15b 16c 17b 18b 19b 20a
21c 22a 23b 24a 25b 26a 27c 28c 29c 30b
31b 32b 33c 34a 35b 36b 37b 38c 39b 40a
41b 42a 43c 44c 45a 46a 47c 48a 49b 50a
51a 52b 53c 54a 55b 56a 57b 58b 59c 60b
61c 62b 63b 64c
Холбоос гишүүн төлөөний үгс нь дотроо тийн ялгалаар хэлбэрждэг.Эдгээр нь бүгд тухайн хүн юмсыг тодорхойлж байдаг тул тодотгол гишүүн өгүүлбэрийг үүсгэдэг. Өгүүлбэр дэх нэр үгийн араас түүнийг тодорхойлох тодотгол гишүүн өгүүлбэр ордог. Харин тухайн нэр үг нь өгүүлбэрийн хаана ч орж болох учир өгүүлбэрийн тогтсон бүтэц гэж байхгүй. Whose нь who – н харъяалахын тийн ялгалын нөхцөлөөр хувирсан хэлбэр юм.
The woman is talented artist. I saw her paintings.
The woman whose paintings I saw is a talented artist.
Миний зургуудыг үзэж сонирхсон тэр эмэгтэй бол авъяаслаг зураач.
The girl is rich. Her mother came.
The girl whose mother came is rich.
The woman is talented artist. I saw her paintings.
The woman whose paintings I saw is a talented artist.
Миний зургуудыг үзэж сонирхсон тэр эмэгтэй бол авъяаслаг зураач.
The girl is rich. Her mother came.
The girl whose mother came is rich.
- дүрслэн тодорхойлоход
Let’s help the with the broken leg
Хөл нь хугарсан хүнд тусалцгаая
She is a woman with fair hair
Тэр бол шаргал үстэй эмэгтэй
It’s e coat with 2 pockets
Энэ 2 халаастай польто
- аар дүүргэх, хучих
Fill the box with sand
Хайрцгийг элсээр дүүргэ
The hills were covered with snow
Цасаар хучигдсан дов толгод
- хамт - тай
I shall go with you
Би тантай хамт явна.
Bring a friend with you
Найзыгаа дагуулаад ир
Take your umbrella with you
Шүхрээ аваарай
We talked with him
Би түүнтэй ярисан
- янз төлөв байдлыг нь заах
To do with an effort – чармайж хийх
With one’s whole - сэтгэлээсээ
With joy – баяр баясалгантайгаар
With pleasure - дуртайяа
- тухайн үйлийг амьгүй зүйлсээр буюу ямар хэрэгслийн оролцоотойгоор үйлдсэн болохыг заахад ‘with’ угтвар орно.
To write a pen – үзгээр бичих
To draw a circle with chalk- шохойгоор тойрог зурах
I opened the door with this key
Би хаалгыг энэ түлхүүрээр онгойлгосон
Let’s help the with the broken leg
Хөл нь хугарсан хүнд тусалцгаая
She is a woman with fair hair
Тэр бол шаргал үстэй эмэгтэй
It’s e coat with 2 pockets
Энэ 2 халаастай польто
- аар дүүргэх, хучих
Fill the box with sand
Хайрцгийг элсээр дүүргэ
The hills were covered with snow
Цасаар хучигдсан дов толгод
- хамт - тай
I shall go with you
Би тантай хамт явна.
Bring a friend with you
Найзыгаа дагуулаад ир
Take your umbrella with you
Шүхрээ аваарай
We talked with him
Би түүнтэй ярисан
- янз төлөв байдлыг нь заах
To do with an effort – чармайж хийх
With one’s whole - сэтгэлээсээ
With joy – баяр баясалгантайгаар
With pleasure - дуртайяа
- тухайн үйлийг амьгүй зүйлсээр буюу ямар хэрэгслийн оролцоотойгоор үйлдсэн болохыг заахад ‘with’ угтвар орно.
To write a pen – үзгээр бичих
To draw a circle with chalk- шохойгоор тойрог зурах
I opened the door with this key
Би хаалгыг энэ түлхүүрээр онгойлгосон
Цаг хугацааны хэллэгүүд
It’s beginning of July – Одоо 7 сарын эхэн
It rained all day- Бүхэл өдөржингөө бороо орсон
Before long the man will achieve-Удахгүй энэ хүн амжилтанд хүрнэ
a half hour/ half an hour-хагас цаг
an hour and a half/ one and a half hours-хагас цаг
a few minutes lгater- төдхөн, удалгүй
a long time-эртнээс, удаан
along time ago-эрт цагт
all year round- бүтэн жилжингээ
all day/ all day long- өдөржингөө
at dawn-үүрээр
at sunset- нар жаргаж байхад
at that time-тэр үед
at this time tomorrow- маргааш өдийд
at dinner time- оройн хоолны цагаарre long
at one time – нэгэн удаа
at the same time-нэгэн зэрэг
at a time –энэ үед
at once- даруй, шууд
at that- үүний зэрэгцээ
at this- энэ үед
at my time of life – амсьдралынхаа он жилүүдэд
at an early age- бага насандаа
at the age of- ...... насандаа
as long ago as- аль түрүүн
appointed time- тогтоосон хугацаа
beforehand- эрт, эртнээс
before long- удалгүй мөдхөн
before now-одоог хүртэл
every other day- өнжөөд
every so often- хааяа нэг
for an hour or so- цагийн турш юмуу тэр хавьцаа
for good- үүрд бүр мөсөн
henceforward- энэ цагаас эхлэн
here and now- яг одоо
in no time- хоромхон зуур
in time- цаг тухайд нь
in one’s childhood- хүүхэд насандаа
just as- яг тэр мөчид
meanwhile- тэр хооронtime
now and then- хааяа хааяа
over and over- байн байн
plenty of time- хангаттай цаг
waste of time- цагийн гарз
It rained all day- Бүхэл өдөржингөө бороо орсон
Before long the man will achieve-Удахгүй энэ хүн амжилтанд хүрнэ
a half hour/ half an hour-хагас цаг
an hour and a half/ one and a half hours-хагас цаг
a few minutes lгater- төдхөн, удалгүй
a long time-эртнээс, удаан
along time ago-эрт цагт
all year round- бүтэн жилжингээ
all day/ all day long- өдөржингөө
at dawn-үүрээр
at sunset- нар жаргаж байхад
at that time-тэр үед
at this time tomorrow- маргааш өдийд
at dinner time- оройн хоолны цагаарre long
at one time – нэгэн удаа
at the same time-нэгэн зэрэг
at a time –энэ үед
at once- даруй, шууд
at that- үүний зэрэгцээ
at this- энэ үед
at my time of life – амсьдралынхаа он жилүүдэд
at an early age- бага насандаа
at the age of- ...... насандаа
as long ago as- аль түрүүн
appointed time- тогтоосон хугацаа
beforehand- эрт, эртнээс
before long- удалгүй мөдхөн
before now-одоог хүртэл
every other day- өнжөөд
every so often- хааяа нэг
for an hour or so- цагийн турш юмуу тэр хавьцаа
for good- үүрд бүр мөсөн
henceforward- энэ цагаас эхлэн
here and now- яг одоо
in no time- хоромхон зуур
in time- цаг тухайд нь
in one’s childhood- хүүхэд насандаа
just as- яг тэр мөчид
meanwhile- тэр хооронtime
now and then- хааяа хааяа
over and over- байн байн
plenty of time- хангаттай цаг
waste of time- цагийн гарз
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New words /Unit 2/
2 unit
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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Adverbs of frequency
Always, frequently, often, once, twice, sometimes, usually, ever, hardly ever, never, rarely etc.
Adverbs of frequently are normally placed before the main verb.
e.g I usually travel buy bus. He hardly ever eats meat.
However, adverbs of frequency are placed after the verb to be and after auxiliary verbs.
e.g She is sometimes late for work. Have you ever visited Disneyland?
Adverbs of frequently are normally placed before the main verb.
e.g I usually travel buy bus. He hardly ever eats meat.
However, adverbs of frequency are placed after the verb to be and after auxiliary verbs.
e.g She is sometimes late for work. Have you ever visited Disneyland?
Relative pronoun
We use the relative pronouns who/that for people
We use the relative pronouns which/that for object and animals
We use the relative pronoun whose for people to show possession
We use the relative pronouns which/that for object and animals
We use the relative pronoun whose for people to show possession
Bie daalt 2
2. uncomplicated, illogical, disqualified, uninterested, irrealistic, informal, irresistable
3. 1a2b3a4b5a6b
4. 1d2b3g4h5a6e7f8c
2. uncomplicated, illogical, disqualified, uninterested, irrealistic, informal, irresistable
3. 1a2b3a4b5a6b
4. 1d2b3g4h5a6e7f8c
Bie daalt 1
Telecommunication engineer
Have you ever considered becoming a telecommunication engineer? There are many advantages and disadvantages to doing this kind of job.
One of the main advantages of being a telecommunication is that interesting because every day communication technology develop and we need to study.
Furthermore it is well paid career as it needful job in the Mongolia.
However there are disadvantages to becoming a telecommunication. Firstly , stressful because you will lead many kind of people in addition to this, difficult as you have to memorize many things.
All things considered, becoming a telecommunication is a good idea, as long as you are aware of the drawbacks.
One of the main advantages of being a telecommunication is that interesting because every day communication technology develop and we need to study.
Furthermore it is well paid career as it needful job in the Mongolia.
However there are disadvantages to becoming a telecommunication. Firstly , stressful because you will lead many kind of people in addition to this, difficult as you have to memorize many things.
All things considered, becoming a telecommunication is a good idea, as long as you are aware of the drawbacks.
Dary Hannah
The pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and the world fell in love with her. The film was splash, and the mermaid was the famous actrees, Daryl Hannah, who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and blade Runner.
Daryl is tall and slender. She has got long blond hair, Large blue eyes and stunning features. She looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clotheswhich show off her natural beauty.
She is more than just another pretty fase, however . She is a complicated person whose character has many sides. She ofhen in the public eye, but she is actually avery shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollwood parties. Her shyness is a promlem which she is tring to overcome with her friends help. She is not the sort of person who expects help without giving anything back , however. Darly is an extremely caring person, and she says that she forgets her own problems whan she is helping others. She is also a romantic who believes in the true lovr, so she wants tofind someone very special before she starts a family.
Daryl’s lifestyle is quite simple. When she is not working, her favourite activities are gardening, playing the piano and making pottery, all of which reveal the creative side of her character.
Daryl many prefer to sit in the shadows at parties, but when it comes to her beliefs she is not afraid to speak her mind. She has strong views on the environment. She believes that our modern lifestyle is destroying the environment. For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an environmentally-friendly house. She says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature.
Underneath success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl’s very strong views on life. As she says, “Find out what is important to you – and don’t be afraid to live it”
It is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down-to-earth and sincere in a world where fame and success can often harm one’s character.
Daryl is tall and slender. She has got long blond hair, Large blue eyes and stunning features. She looks fantastic in expensive clothes , but she prefers casual clotheswhich show off her natural beauty.
She is more than just another pretty fase, however . She is a complicated person whose character has many sides. She ofhen in the public eye, but she is actually avery shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollwood parties. Her shyness is a promlem which she is tring to overcome with her friends help. She is not the sort of person who expects help without giving anything back , however. Darly is an extremely caring person, and she says that she forgets her own problems whan she is helping others. She is also a romantic who believes in the true lovr, so she wants tofind someone very special before she starts a family.
Daryl’s lifestyle is quite simple. When she is not working, her favourite activities are gardening, playing the piano and making pottery, all of which reveal the creative side of her character.
Daryl many prefer to sit in the shadows at parties, but when it comes to her beliefs she is not afraid to speak her mind. She has strong views on the environment. She believes that our modern lifestyle is destroying the environment. For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an environmentally-friendly house. She says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature.
Underneath success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl’s very strong views on life. As she says, “Find out what is important to you – and don’t be afraid to live it”
It is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down-to-earth and sincere in a world where fame and success can often harm one’s character.
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